In the UK however you do not have to put up with this situation. UK statute gives tenants the right to get together and exercise a right to manage their block (or RTM). Together with the other tenants you will create a RTM company which will then take over the maintenance of the block.
In order to start this process, you will need to make sure that you have solid support from at least 50% of the other tenants in the block. This might seem easy to do, but some people just won't want to be bothered with what they will see as hassle.
In order to drum up this support for your right to manage company it is advisable to speak to your fellow tenants on a one-to-one basis. Doing this will make sure that you can get across all the positive points to them and answer any queries they may have. A group meeting is another way of approaching the situation, however you might find that talking to people one-on-one will get a more positive response.
Those who immediately shy away from forming a RTM company you might find are those who are concerned about starting up legal processes. Also naturally, people are extremely cautious when embarking into the unknown. If you spend some effort on explaining the right to manage procedure they might decide to support your cause and join in on the process.
Whilst you are doing this, you should take the opportunity to highlight the negatives of the current management arrangement. You will be able to voice how running your own right to manage company will help everyone have a higher standard of living in their block. Not only this, but some tenants may be considering selling their property and you can explain to them how this process will help increase the value of their flat.
You will find that the more time you take to speak to your fellow tenants and explain the advantages of setting up a UK RTM company; the simpler it will be to get them to pledge their support to your idea.
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