How many times in your business have you got everything ready to go but didn't turn on the heat?
It seems like common sense, but it can be easy to get so caught up in getting ready, that you aren't actually working the business. You are just working to get started to work.
Here is a practical guide to turning up the heat in your business.
Turn on the stove: Get your list ready the night before of who you will be calling. Proper time management in crucial to your business. Plan your day or it will run you. Take advantage of the time you have between calls to Do things like prospecting new people and getting interested people to see your presentation.
Heat your Pan: You wouldn't put a prime select filet mignon in a cold grill, so why would you call your prospect when you are cold? Listen to something that pumps you up. For me it is Beyonce. If I am not warmed up, this song fires me up
Season your skillet: Just like your grandmas old cast iron skillet, all the flavor infuses your food from all the things she cooked in there before. Prospecting is the same way. The more seasoned you get, the better you will be. You can't buy a seasoned skillet, you can only get that from cooking in it. The same goes for your business. Talk to more people. Refine your skills.
Hot and Fast: This basically sums up to be massive action. Remember, you business is like a funnel, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. In order to get anything coming out the bottom (ie new reps) you have to be pouring in things from the top (ie prospects). Unlike a regular funnel, in business not everyone you put in at the top will come out the bottom. Since I am telling you that now you can prepare. You need to put in about 10 times as many people at the top that you need or want to come out the bottom for your desires results. Low temps and slow cooking times are only for that Boston Butt or Brisket. Don't let the low and slow mentality turn off your flame.
Remember, we work hard at this business now so when everyone else is working through their sixties (or seventies!) you can be retired on a beach or skiing or whatever it is you desire.
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